
See the JARUS deliverables development and approval process

2024Title: JARUS CS-HAPS, Airworthiness recommendations for HAPS
Corresponding WGCS: WG-AW
Abstract: The intent of this CS-HAPS is to be used as recommendations for the Type Certification of High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS).
The document consists of:
– A HAPS safety concept to cover:
– Automated functions and human interventions
– Human factors for mission control center
– Conditional initial airworthiness considering a possible mission duration of several month
– Sharing the intent to allow a collaborative traffic management
– Models and simulations for sharing the intent and conditional initial airworthiness
– A set of recommendations that WG-AW considers as applicable to all HAPS in Section 1
– A set of structural recommendations for HTA fixed wing HAPS in Section 2
– A set of structural recommendations for LTA airship HAPS in Section 3
– References to EASA CS.31 GB, Subpart C – Structure, para. CS-31GB.21, CS-31GB.23, CS-31GB.25 and CS -31GB.27 in Section 4
– References to acceptable level of risk for HAPS and other valuable documents from the HAPS Alliance
– Reference to the AIA proposal for cooperative operations in higher airspace
It is planned to further elaborate the structural and where required other requirements for LTA balloon HAPS in the next issue of this CS-HAPS.
Date: 12/7/2024
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_33

2024Title: JARUS guidelines on Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) v2.5 package
Corresponding WGCS: WG-SRM
Abstract: This document recommends a risk assessment methodology to establish a sufficient level of confidence that a specific operation can be conducted safely.
Along with the Main Body v2.5 document, there is the Explanatory Note and the Annexes for Edition 2.5 (Annex C and D in v1.0);
Annex A – Guidelines on collecting and presenting system and operation information for a specific UAS operation,
Annex B – Integrity and assurance levels for the mitigations used to reduce the Intrinsic Ground Risk Class,
Annex C – Strategic Mitigation Collision Risk Assessment,
Annex D – Tactical Mitigations Collision Risk Assessment,
Annex E – Integrity and assurance levels for the Operational Safety Objectives (OSO),
Annex F – Theoretical Basis for Ground Risk Classification and Mitigation,
Annex I – Glossary of Terms, and Cyber Safety Extension.
Date: 13/5/2024
Version: 2.5
Document Number: JAR_doc_25 – JAR_doc_32

Download – SORA-v2.5-Main-Body-Release-JAR_doc_25
Download – SORA-v2.5-Annex-A-Release.JAR_doc_26
Download – SORA-v2.5-Annex-B-Release.JAR_doc_27
Download – SORA-Annex-C-v1.0
Download – SORA-Annex-D
Download – SORA-v2.5-Annex-E-Release.JAR_doc_28
Download – SORA-v2.5-Annex-F-Release.JAR_doc_29
Download – SORA-v2.5-Annex-I-Release.JAR_doc_30
Download – SORA-v2.5-Cyber-Extension-Release-JAR_doc_31
Download – SORA-v2.5-Explanatory-Note-Release-JAR_Doc_32
Download – SORA v2.5 – External Comment Response Document PDF
Download – External Comment Response Document
2024Title: JARUS CS-UAS, Annex B – Management of Multiple Simultaneous UA Flight Operations MSO
Corresponding WGCS: WG-AW
Abstract: This Annex B is intended to be used for Multiple Simultaneous Flight Operation where:
The purpose of the flights is that the involved UAs operate relative to each other.
The purpose of the flights is that the involved UAs operate independent of each other.
It is assumed that MSO requires automation as it is not possible for humans:
To have sufficient Management over each individual UA participating in this operation.
To ensure safe operation for all participants in the operational environment without the support of systems performing automated and/or autonomous functions.
Date: 14/3/2024
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_24

2024Title: JARUS Whitepaper on Considerations for Automation of the Airspace Environment
Corresponding WGCS: WG-Auto Conops
Abstract:This document in its draft version is internal to JARUS. It is intended to provide an outline for considering the impact of automation across all aspects of aviation safety, while providing considerations for further developing the future of automation roll-out across the airspace. The scope is limited to safety aspects and does not specifically address broader issues related to liability, cost, or legal authority as these must be interpreted through local customs including the legal system, history, cultural practices, and public acceptance of risk and liability.
Date : 6/2/2024
Document Number: JAR_doc_23

2023Title: FAA D & R and EASA SC Light-UAS including Functional Test Based MoC Requirements Factual Comparison
Corresponding WGCS : WG-AW
Abstract: Both FAA and EASA have defined Type Certification / Operational Authorization requirements for the operation of Light Unmanned Aircraft. While both authorities have endorsed the proportionate risk-based approach to define those requirements, there are some differences in the process that the JARUS WG-AW Taskforce 2 has been tasked to analyze. The purpose of this white paper is to present a factual comparison between FAA and EASA requirements. This white paper does not harmonize FAA and EASA positions. It just provides a perspective by comparing side by side.
Date : 28/9/2023
Version: 1.1
Document Number: JAR_doc_22

2023Title: Methodology for Evaluation of Automation on UAS Operations
Corresponding WGCS: WG-Auto Conops
Abstract: This document discusses automation and autonomy to achieve a sufficient level of shared understanding of these two concepts among the JARUS members. In addition, the document seeks t o set out a common framework and design/approval considerations for JARUS to consider in the development of detailed deliverables associated with automation and autonomy.
Date: 25/4/2023
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_21

2022Title: Pre-Defined Risk Assessments (PDRA) 5
Corresponding WGCS: WG-SRM
Abstract: This PDRA was developed considering the increasing demand for UAS operations in BVLOS, in non-segregated airspace, without using airspace observers, with greater range and larger UAs compared to the operations currently covered by national regulations, and before U-space/UTM services supporting air traffic separation become widely available. The PDRA is based upon SORA version 2.0 and any future changes to this version of SORA may lead to changes of the provision in this PDRA.
Date of Publication: 2/12/2022
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_20

2022Title: Annex E – SORA (Cyber Annex)
Corresponding WGCS: WG-SRM
Abstract: The aviation sector may be an attractive target for a cyber-attack, for various threat actors, with a wide range of motivational reasons, capabilities, and sophistication to achieve their objective to successfully exploit vulnerabilities in the aviation ecosystem. The scope of Annex E is limited to those areas which affect flight safety and protection of the public. In addition, we address mainly operators with the information provided in this annex rather than OEMs, etc.
Date of Publication: 17/05/2022
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_19

2022Title: Pre-Defined Risk Assessments (PDRA) 4
Corresponding WGCS: WG-SRM
Abstract: The development of this PDRA was triggered by the request from some states to facilitate operational authorizations of UAS operations for routine and automated surveillance and inspections of facilities and infrastructures, with the UA flying very close to such facilities and infrastructures.
Date of Publication: 16/02/2022
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_18

2022Title: UAS Operational Cat Annex C – Boundaries between CAT-B and CAT-C
Corresponding WGCS: WG-7
Abstract: The aim of this Annex is to define criteria to establish the differentiation between Category B (“Specific”) and Category C (“Certified”) UAS operations.
Date of Publication: 17/03/2022
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_17

2021Title: UAS Operational Cat Annex B – Control Station Handover Process
Corresponding WGCS: WG-7
Abstract: This annex describes the concept of operations (ConOps) for the handover of control of a UAS in flight from one ground station to another.
Date of Publication: 30/04/2021
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_16

2021Title: White Paper: Use of mobile networks to support UAS operations
Corresponding WGCS: WG-5
Abstract: This document provides JARUS members and the wider UAS community with an understanding of:
The main possibilities that services based on Mobile Communications Networks (MCN) can provide to overcome intrinsic constraints and contribute to unleashing the full potential of UAS operations; and
The main regulatory and standardization aspects that need to be considered for the use of such services based on MCN for safer and more secure UAS operations.
Date of Publication: 02/03/2021
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_15

2019Title: GM to JARUS recommendation UAS RPC CAT A and CAT B
Corresponding WGCS: WG-1
Abstract: This document provides JARUS guidance material (GM) on the qualification for an entity that a competent authority may recognize as a provider for theoretical knowledge examination and practical skill assessment. This recognized assessment entity (RAE) can be any natural or legal person (e.g., training organization, educational institution or UAS operator) as deemed acceptable by the competent authority.
Date of Publication: 28/04/2020
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_14

2019Title: CS-UAS
Corresponding WGCS: WG-AW
Abstract: This document aims at providing recommendations for States to use for their own national legislation, concerning Certification Specification for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. The recommendations presented in this JARUS CS-UAS document represent the culmination of best practices and procedures used in prior UAS approvals, as well as inputs received from JARUS WG-3 (Airworthiness) expert members.
Date of Publication: 28/10/2019
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_13

2019 Title: OPS CAT A and CAT B
Corresponding WGCS: WG-2
Abstract: This document replaces the two documents published in July 2018 and May 2019. It contains recommended rules for UAS operations in Category A (Low Risk) and Category B (Medium Risk).
Date of Publication: 28/10/2019
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_12

2019Title: UAS RPC CAT A and CAT B
Corresponding WGCS: WG-1
Abstract: The aim of this document is to provide recommendations to competent authorities (national authorities or Regional Safety Oversight Organizations) to use their own national legislation, concerning uniform remote pilot competency for operations in Category A (Open) and Category B (Specific).
Date of Publication: 10/10/2019
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_11

2019Title: UAS Operational Categorization
Corresponding WGCS: WG-7
Abstract: Categorization scheme that describes the level of regulatory involvement for the varying types of UAS and UAS operations.
Date of Publication: 04/09/2019
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_10

2019Title: SORA (Package) and Standard Scenarios
Corresponding WGCS: WG-SRM
Abstract: The document recommends a risk assessment methodology to establish a sufficient level of confidence that a specific operation can be conducted safely. Along with the document there is the Executive Summary and the Annexes; Annex A – Guidelines on collecting and presenting system and operation information for a specific UAS operation and, Annex B – Integrity and assurance levels for the mitigations used to reduce the Intrinsic Ground Risk Classes, Annex C – Strategic Mitigation Collision Risk Assessment, Annex D – Tactical Mitigations Collision Risk Assessment, Annex E – Integrity and assurance levels for the Operational Safety Objectives (OSO) and Annex I – Glossary of Terms
Date of Publication: 28/07/2017 – 06/03/2019
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_09

Download – jar_doc_6_sora_sts_02_edition1.0
Download – jar_doc_6_sora_sts_01_edition1.1
Download – jar_doc_06_jjarus_sora_executive_summary
Download – jar_doc_06_jarus_sora_v2.0
Download – jar_doc_06_jarus_sora_annex_e_v1.0_
Download -Jar_doc_06_jarus_sora_annex_d_v1.0
Download – jar_doc_06_jarus_sora_annex_c_v1.0
Download – jar_doc_06_jarus_sora_annex_b_v1.0

Download – jar_09_doc_JARUS_SORA_Annex_A_V1.0
Download – jar_09_doc_JARUS_SORA_Annex_I_V1.0
Corresponding WGCS: SEC
Abstract: The purpose of the JARUS Glossary is to promote a common understanding of the terms and abbreviations used in the JARUS deliverables’ documents. We have also considered other definitions and terms from other organizations and working groups. This is a living document that will be regularly updated.
Date of Publication: 20/07/2018
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_G

2017Title: FCL GM
Corresponding WGCS: WG-1
Abstract: Guidance material to the JARUS FCL Recommendation.
Date of Publication: 11/04/2017
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_08

2017Title: CS-LUAS
Corresponding WGCS: WG-AW
Abstract: It provides recommendations for States to use for their own national legislation, concerning Certification Specification for Light Unmanned Aeroplane Systems.
Date of Publication: 23/12/2016
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_07

2016Title: CPDLC
Corresponding WGCS: WG-5
Abstract: The Controller Pilot Data Link Communications document is meant to summarize the most relevant information about CPDLC and the supported ATS services, and to associate them with RPAS operations.
Date of Publication: 20/06/2016
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_06

2016Title: Required C2 Performance (RLP) concept
Corresponding WGCS: WG-5
Abstract: RCP acronym has been modified to RLP to avoid confusion between current RCP supporting ATM functions and the required C2 Link performance in support of the command and control functions.
Date of Publication: 30/05/2016
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_05

2015Title: AMC RPAS 1309 (package)
Corresponding WGCS: WG-SRM
Abstract: Document developed as an integral part of a type-certification process. It is a means of compliance to a 1309 airworthiness requirement.
Date of Publication: 01/11/2015
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_04

Download – jar_04_doc_scoping_papers_to_amc_rpas_1309_issue_2_0
Download – jar_04_doc_amc_rpas_1309_issue_2_2
Download – jar_04_doc_jarus_wg6_eurocae_wg73_conciliation_team_report_0

2015Title: FCL Recommendations
Corresponding WGCS: WG-1
Abstract: The document aims at providing recommendations concerning uniform personnel licensing and competencies in the operation of RPAS.
Date of Publication: 09/09/2015
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_03

2014Title: RPAS C2 Link RCP
Corresponding WGCS: WG-5
Abstract: Guidance material to explain the concept of C2 link RCP and identify the requirements applicable to the provision of C2 communications. (SEE UPGRADED C2 Link RLP document JAR_doc_05)
Date of Publication: 10/10/2014
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_02

2013 Title: Certification Spec for LURS
Corresponding WGCS: WG-AW
Abstract: Certification Specification for Light Unmanned Rotorcraft Systems
Date of Publication: 30/10/2013
Version: 1.0
Document Number: JAR_doc_01


Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems